Showing all 2 results

Porn in the Pew


This is a comprehensive book that outlines the magnitude of the porn and sex addiction crisis in America and in the church. Packed with the latest data, the book is a leading resource for church leaders, by addressing five questions: How bad is the problem? Can you love God and porn at the same time? What are the components of recovery? How can the church effectively respond? What about porn in the pulpit?

Porn-Free in 40 Days


This is a practical, daily guide that will help you break free from your porn habit. With 40 daily devotions followed by daily exercises, you will discover the root of your problem, and you will put into practice practical steps to freedom. If you will invest a few minutes a day, you can finally realize the freedom you’ve always wanted. This book will give you dozens of tools that feed recovery, based on the latest research in the field.