
Recovery without passion is just talk. So what is passion? The word “passion” comes from the root pati, meaning to suffer. Anything about which we are passionate is something for which we are willing to suffer.  Sure it is hard to stay sober. Yes, your commitment to recovery will invite attack and temptation. But if…


I am a long-suffering Houston sports fan. Exhibit A – April 4, 1983 The University of Houston Cougars lost the NCAA Finals to huge underdog North Carolina State on the final play of the game. Exhibit B – January 3, 1993  The Houston Oilers led the Buffalo Bills, 28-3 at halftime in an NFL playoff…

Moving On

On the night of his betrayal, Jesus said something interesting to his betrayer. He told Judas, “What you are going to do, do quickly” (John 13:27).  It wasn’t that Jesus was commending the betrayal, but that he wanted to move quickly beyond this historic mistake. You have made colossal mistakes. Every sex addict has. Now…

The One

Most of us are in a lifelong search for “the one.” We reason: “If I can find the one [fill in the blank] that I’m searching for, I will finally be happy.”  In my own life, I found my “one,” the very best:  Wife Son Church Home Car Degree Vacation Career Hobby Still, it was…

Only the Body Matters

As a young man, over the course of about 20 years, I was the proud owner of five different 1966 Mustang convertibles, each in excellent condition. As a classic car lover, I attended numerous car shows each year. And I found a couple of things interesting.  We overlook the dings and scratches in the other…


There is a story in the AA “Big Book” that reads, “I stopped wondering ‘Why me?’ a long time ago. It’s like a man standing on a bridge in the middle of a river with his pants on fire, wondering why his pants are on fire. It doesn’t matter. Just jump in the water!” The…

Grover Cleveland

It was perhaps the greatest government cover-up in history. In May of 1893, President Grover Cleveland noticed a rough spot on the roof of his mouth, which was soon diagnosed as a cancerous growth the size of a quarter. At the time, America was going through a financial crisis, and the White House feared that…

A Way Out

Are you going through a “down” time right now? Is life a struggle? Is your sobriety in jeopardy? If you are walking through a valley this week, take heart. God has you right where he wants you.  Oswald Chambers said, “If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, it is not worth anything.”…

Reach vs Grasp

Let me give you a thought to ponder. Our reach must exceed our grasp. In other words, no matter how much you have grasped (in recovery or in life), keep reaching. Never let what you have keep you from reaching for more.  Paul said, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but…


I love the words of David Brinkley: “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.” Booker T. Washington said it a bit differently. “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles…