Four Days

Day 1 – A man walked down a street and fell in a hole. Day 2 – The man walked down the street, saw the hole, but slipped into the hole. Day 3 – The man walked down the street, tried to avoid the hole, but was bumped by someone else and stumbled into the…

The Freezing Water Experiment

In their book, The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Health describe a fascinating experiment in which participants agreed to subject themselves to painful trials. First, they submerged their hands into a bucket filled with cold, 57-degree water for 60 seconds.  In the second trial, the time was increased by 30 seconds. For the first…

Dwell in Possibility

By all accounts, Emily Dickinson was a recluse. The famous poet rarely left home. She maintained her few friendships by writing cards back and forth. Still, she found a way to make a difference. Emily Dickinson left her mark – leaving 1,800 poems behind. Among these poems you will find one of the most powerful…

The Right Time

“Jesus came at just the right time” (Romans 5:6). Timing is everything. Yogi Berra said, “You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.” And Buzz Aldrin said, “Timing has always been a key element in my life. I have been blessed to have been in…

Time to Move On

We get stuck. That is human nature. It happens to us today, just as it happened in the days of Moses. At a time when his people were crippled by fear and crushed by frustration, God said it was time to get moving.  “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Why are you crying out to…

It’s Possible

Chris Norton broke his neck while playing college football. He was given a three percent chance of ever moving again. Norton didn’t get sad; he got mad. After months of hard work, he wiggled a toe. Eventually, he was able to get up out of his wheelchair and walk seven feet – down the wedding…

Voice Recorder

How would you like for every word you have ever spoken to be played back for all your world to hear? Francis Schaeffer once said that if every word we have ever spoken could be played back by a huge recorder, the whole world would go into hiding. From the days of Shakespeare, we have…

Rule #101

Last year, I wrote my tenth recovery book, Recovery Rules. It contains 100 truisms. They are pithy, easy-to-remember statements about recovery. If I could add a 101st rule, this would be it: What you tolerate today will dominate tomorrow. If I tolerate staring at attractive women, those fantasies will dominate my mind tomorrow. If I…

Talk to Your Mountain

If you haven’t read the Book of Zechariah in a while, you missed this gem from God’s Word. “What are you, mighty mountain?” (Zechariah 4:7). When was the last time you talked to your mountain? Mountains represent huge challenges which God intends us to overcome. That’s why I have the following hanging on my wall:…

One at a Time

Do you want to accomplish something huge? Something that you only dreamed of before? Something that will change everything? Then keep reading. This is your roadmap for success. You get in shape one day at a time. You get out of debt one dollar at a time. You run a marathon one mile at a…