Mark and Beth Denison, married for 36 years, launched There’s Still Hope as a national movement to call men and women into lives of sexual integrity. Their ministry offers 90-day recovery plans for addicts and one-on-one and group coaching for addicts and their spouses. TSH also produces resources for pastors and churches to confront the porn epidemic that is destroying so many lives.
Dr. Denison was a senior pastor for over 30 years, NBA chaplain, and board chairman at Houston Baptist University three times. With a Master’s Degree in Addiction Recovery, Mark is a certified PSAP and active member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
Mark has written four books on recovery: Porn in the Pew, 365 Days to Sexual Integrity, A 90-Day Recovery Guide, and 40 Days to Porn-Free Living. His latest book, Jesus on the 12 Steps, will be released later this year.
Are you trying to help someone else with his or her recovery? I’ve been at this a while now, have degrees, certifications, and a decent amount of experience. I sponsor 17 guys in SA or SAA (too many, I know), and have taken 100 guys through my 90-Day Recovery Process. So let me offer the…
One day after practice, a veteran Houston Oiler football player came over to Head Coach Bum Phillips and said, “Coach, I don’t know if you knew this or not, but that rookie, Earl Campbell, was unable to finish the mile run at the end of practice.” Bum responded, “That’s good to know. The next time…
Recovery is all about doing the right thing . . . again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. And again. William James, the father of American psychology, said, “All…
In 1974, Bob Speca was a sophomore at Marple Newton High School in Broomall, Pennsylvania, when he bought his first two boxes of dominoes. He was instantly intrigued by the science of stacking them – by the hundreds – side by side. In an appearance on The Tonight Show, Bob set the world record by…
As a sports lover, I can find something to watch on any day of the year – except two. Over the course of the year, there is at least one game on TV from one of our four major sports (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL) every day – except two. Which two days would those be?…
We all want to become more physically fit. At least we say we do. I can identify with the man who asked his wife, “Does this body make me look fat?” With the new year, I decided to join a health club. On my first day, I was going to work on the cardio machines.…
One fellow asked his friend, “How are you doing?” His friend: “Pretty good, under the circumstances.” Fellow: “What are you doing there?” None of us has to live under our circumstances. We can live above them. God uses your circumstances. Oswald Chambers said, “It is misleading to imagine that we are developed in spite of…
In 1948, Korczak Ziolkowski was commissioned by Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear to design a mountain carving that would honor the famous Native American hero Crazy Horse. Ziolkowski devoted the next 30 years to carving the statue, which, when completed, will be nine times larger than the carving on Mt. Rushmore. Ziolkowski died in 1982,…
Relapse is a process, not an event. Thomas Kempis said, “Sin is first a simple suggestion, then a strong imagination, then delight, then assent.” The man who grew up with Jesus said, “Each one of us is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it…
You wanna hear something that will blow your mind? The command of rest is just as much a part of the Ten Commandments as the command about murder. Or adultery. “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest” (Exodus 34:21). …